Recently, a blogger that I follow,
Discovering Photography, asked if anyone had any advice on photographing random people, strangers. I didn't have any advice, but stated that I was trying to get up the nerve to do it myself. So I "dared" him to take at least one photo of a random stranger and to post it to his site by tomorrow, March 8th, and I would do the same. These are a result of that dare.

This gentleman was working in the computer lab at school. I liked the white cinder block wall behind him for a backdrop, his furrowed brow and the way he was wearing his Detroit Lions hat. Maybe his deeply, furrowed brow was due to the terrible season the Lions had this last year... heck, this last decade! Anyway, I did ask his permission so he wouldn't think I was crazy, but I think he thought I was anyway.

This one was taken from across a large room, where I was just one of a hundred people, so not very noticeable. I was wishing she would sit up a bit straighter, but alas... she slouched like this the entire time I was there.